The Brahms-Institute, affiliated to the university and directed by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sandberger, has enriched musicology at the MHL in a unique way since 1991. The research work focuses on the 19th century. The heart of the institute is the extensive collection; the focus was and is on projects for its indexing and processing. With the help of the state of Schleswig-Holstein and numerous foundations (Volkswagen Foundation, Hermann Reemtsma Foundation, Possehl Foundation 足球即时比分_365体育直播¥球探网), large parts of the collection can now be viewed worldwide in the digital archive of the Brahms Institute, including handwritten sources by Johannes Brahms, all first editions by Brahms and Robert Schumann as well as partial bequests by Theodor Fürchtegott Kirchner and Joseph Joachim.
As part of a DFG-funded project, the Institute has compiled the "Brahms-Briefwechsel-Verzeichnis" (Brahms Correspondence Index), which is also available digitally in its basic form. Numerous publications by the Institute, including standard works such as the Brahms Handbook, also enrich international Brahms research. Finally, the exhibitions, documented in catalogues published almost annually in the Institute's series of publications, are important for the scholarly development of the collection. The Brahms-Festival is also closely connected to the Institute; Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sandberger has been the festival's project director since 2011.
"Brahms-Portal" (from 2022)
The portal, which is freely accessible worldwide, sees itself as an international digital hub for scholars and the public. By linking the now more than 43,000 digitised works, the cultural heritage is semantically processed for all users and scholarly enriched with information on the works of Brahms. Planned connections include the "Digitale Kulturwerk 足球即时比分_365体育直播¥球探网", the "Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek" and the "Europeana" (from January 2022, financed in the first phase from the excellence budget of the state of Schleswig-Holstein).